Y-Town Can

Candidates that Attended

Candidates that Attended
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The invite to candidates was emailed out on Friday July 11th. This is a list of the status of that invitation. Each candidate is listed with the office sought in parenthesis.

In order of response

Robert Thornbladh (Trustee)
Iva Bielec (Sheriff)
Mike Martin (Trustee)
Karen Lovejoy-Roe (Clerk)
Dee Sizemore (Trustee)
Ruth Ann Jamnick (Supervisor)
Jerry Clayton (Sheriff)
Dwayne Taylor (Sheriff)
Brenda Stumbo (Supervisor)
Billy D. Williams (Trustee)
Mark Clancy (Trustee)
Stan Eldridge (Tustee)
Wesley Prater (CC Dist. #4)
Carolyn King Minot (Trustee)
David Ostrowski (Clerk)

Accepted But
Did Not Show
Stan Eldridge (Trustee)
Dee Sizemore (Trustee)
Not Attending
Could not attend
Jean Hall-Curry (Trustee)
Rick Roe (CC Dist. #4)

Did Not Respond
Alphabetical order by race

Daniel J. Minzey (Sheriff)
Shoshanna DeMaria (Trustee)
William Cullen Riney (CC Dist. #4)

Be informed. Be engaged. Be ready.